Perfect Speaker Placement - Put next to the back wall as much as possible.


I happen to find an good article about the ideal speaker placement. 
(Easiest version without numbers & formulas that I can’t honestly understand :D)

I’d like to share. 

Personally I find two things interesting.

1) Only use 40% of the room area (38% rule)

2) Put the speaker as close as possible to the back-wall (next to bass trap)

Of course, minor adjustment would be required depending on speakers.
Still, I think this is helpful to figure out the very first step.

Happy listening.

p.s. what should I do with half of the room left... :?

Showing 2 responses by dadork

Thank you @sangbro for posting these links. I am still experimenting with speaker placement and unlike @millercarbon am open to the idea I might actually able to learn something I don't. 

@millercarbon I will continue to read your post and learn what I can but why do you always have to be so caustic and condescending? Not everybody has your financial resources to buy thousand dollar plus power cords and all of the accoutrements you have. It's hard to reconcile the graciousness you've displayed to people who've been able to hear your system and the arrogance you put on display in your post. Have you considered the possibility someone else might know something you don't?