Perfect Pitch?

Heard a prof from McGill University this am on the radio researching perfect pitch and its evil cousin tone deafness. He has devised ways of ascertaining if a person as such a gift even if that person is not a musician and, therefore, does not have the musical vocabulary to express their perceptions. Question: how many of you have perfect pitch and do so-called golden ears ipso facto have such a gift?

Showing 2 responses by pbb

If memory serves me right, this prof said that something like five percent of the general population is "tone deaf". Maybe those are the audio high-enders! He also mentioned that different portions of the brain are involved in pitch processing, rhythm processing and the distinguishing different voices and various musical instruments. At his point no one is willing to correlate perfect pitch to audiophilia. I guess being a golden eared listener has more to do with voodoo, magic and mystical powers.
Talking comic opera, don't you think audiophilia nervosa might be the basis for an intresting one, albeit only understandable by more "objective" 'philes. It's only a bloody record player, you know. Good tunes.