Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Showing 17 responses by aniwolfe

Not sure if this has been asked.
But why is placing under components recommended and not on top?

Also wondering when the mini mats are released. Maybe putting them on top of AC plugs?

I encourage you to voice your opinion in the many HFC thread you can warn people about your findings. If I had read your post 2 years ago I would have never bought some of the cables they make. :P

HFC has a 30 day no reason for anyone to be stuck with the product. Even if one person feels they suck and I know many don't, you should give 1 a shot to see for yourself.

Personally I like the MC-05's, but I have heard them not synergize well in some (few) system setups. Please visit the HFC threads here to get more views.

I have also read that some people prefer the cheaper HFC products over the more expensive ones. Once again..system synergy.

Your post about your friend’s mega buck is still readable on this thread from what I can see. Not sure why you posted about it twice. I get and him don’t like HFC cabling. All opinions from different ears...a lot of people like them and they are not reviewers.


Never implied you were the only one that does not like the product. Please don’t. But it seems to me your saying that people who like HFC products are gullible from reading reviews? I find that a little insulting.

I was kidding...I do like the HFC cables that I heard and bought. I did not pay a lot for them either and I had a 30 day return. But the reviews made me keep them  ;)
My suggestion to Tim is...
Build your own website! Add a forum to it. Not only that, but have pictures, videos and instructions on how to use your innovative products effectively.

How would you compare the E Mat to the HFC MC-05’s @$300 each? Which had more impact on your system?


Thank god your not the one deciding what audio products get released to this world LOL

BTW my friend has a $950,000 system and loves his HFC cables. He has tried many different cables brands and these sound best. Especially the powercables.
I was just curious what had more impact (2) MC-05's or (1) Omega E Mat?
I assume you like the MC-05 and feel they are worth the price but I don't get the sense you think in your system the Omega Mat is a powerful as 2 Mc-05's? I understand it might be difficult to a/b.
Did the webmaster use some TC on the web-server? Its very quick now...probably in 14 days will be be much quicker! ;)
Awesome news!

Is the price for "the Gate" going to turn heads? or turn them off?

I plan to buy 2 of the them :)