Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.

Showing 11 responses by jerrybj

Again, the most negative comments are from those who have not tried the products.

It's really wearing thin guys. No point in asking questions of the community and those who have some constructive advice, when people ignorant of the product take up all the post lines.
An example of...

...every reason why I have previously stayed away from this site. 
Yeah, we apologize about this one, Jerrybj.  There's a nicer place around here somewhere.
I'm rapidly remembering why I read posts years ago, and left.
This is my most consistent effort to remain.
Looking from sound advice from sound people.

And tbh I'm really enjoying the good people, willing to 'discuss' what they have, what they've tried, what they understand.

The 'oneupmanship' is frustrating. As are the continuing dismissals of others' experience. And then the personal attacks.

Really not worth it imho. 
What I find disconcerting are the individuals who have never tried a product denigrating said product, the companies who make it and those who try it.

Which is my point exactly Iwin. Some of the replies to my posts as you've mentioned above all have the same theme of "They're right, I'm wrong, they're smart, I'm dumb..."
And if they shout louder, or post more frequently, then it must be true and surely I will be enlightened.
I'm not enamoured by the abuse and continued denial of others' experiences, as though we have been tricked, are foolish and are willfully trying to deceive others.

I can currently view Nirvana.
May not be attainable, but I know it's there...

Macbook Pro flicking through random tracks on the drive through Audirvana.
USB adaptor throwing NBA on the tv screen (my other addiction).

Really enjoying the Omega+ Emat. Music is even more enjoyable since putting it in my fuse box. Wondering what The Gate would do for my system. Would it even work on 240v?
I have one Omega+ E Mat in my breaker box.
If I get a couple more, where to put them?

Another in the breaker box?
Or on the power box outside? (Enclosed).

One under the amp?

Or possibly both on the rear of my speakers?
Oh look, another disparaging comment from a member with no experience of the products. I love these crusading ’the earth is flat’ guys like wesleyhead. So profound.

Their "I’m right, and you’re delusional..." has me questioning everything in my life; not just are those sounds/changes I hear real? Is blue really blue?

The world we experience is a construct. My truth is unique, as are my interpretations of all stimuli. Our experiences of the Omega+ mats in our systems is remarkably similar. Spooky. Or conspiracy...
NB: ... in our systems...

If these products did not have an effect, those who have direct experience would be less glowing in their appraisals.

May Santa gift these people with a dash of open mindedness and a little humility these holidays.