Perfect Debute Albums

Which DEBUTE albums do you consider perfect?


This thread was MacDadTexas's idea and a good one at that!

Mine would be-

The Cars- The Cars
Norah Jones- Come Away With Me
Cheap Trick- Cheap Trick

I'll post more later....

Showing 1 response by knownothing

Resurrecting old thread because I heard a Boston song in a restaurant today, and I remember at the time it was released my music junkie friends couldn't stop talking about the production level of the album, almost eclipsing the musical content which as I recall was pretty progressive as well, if also pretty "commercial" (our term then for what I don't really know, Pop targeted at teenagers?) Hard not to agree about the high production level at the time. We all had "pretty good" hi fi's then and could tell when a recording sparkled versus sounding dirty, coarse, overheated, or compressed (although most rock fans who weren't producers would probably not use that term in the late seventies).

My question for you all, how does this recording stand up in terms of production values when played on your audiophile systems in 2015, in you opinion? Temped to try to find a good vinyl copy to see for myself. Never owned it because it was always on the radio at the time...