Perception and Watts: Doubling of power

There's a curious rule of thumb, which to my ears seems mostly true:

  • To double the perceived volume, you must output 10x more power.

10x power = 10 dB by the way.  We've read this as we were buying amps and trying to decide between 100w/channel and 150w/channel.  We are told, repeatedly that 50 W difference isn't really that much.

On more than one occasion I've tested this and found it's pretty much spot on.  Here's my question:

How can any of us really tell what half as loud, or twice as loud is?

I mean, think about this for a bit.  I cannot tell half as bright, or twice as bright, but it seems I actually CAN tell what half as loud is.  How does this even begin to work in the ear/brain mechanism?? 😁


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

Playing loud and watts seldom comes into the picture in… well non-low end systems (ok, maybe for college parties). Unless there is a gross mismatch in sensitivity and power.

More power tends to add weight and realism to the sound you get… it fills it out more than making it louder.

I have Audio Research Ref160 monoblocks, they can be run in linear (140wpc) or in triode mode (70 wpc)… there is no obvious difference in volume what so ever. I was actually surprised… I was listening for solidity, but thought I would hear a difference. The only difference I heard was in the ultra linear mode the treble became a bit hard and some of the midrange bloom dried up. I operate them in the triode mode, and they can play at deafening sound levels… (a dealer came over to listen and cranked them… wow, that was loud).

In solid state amps the power directly transforms itself into slam… that is one of the reasons high power ss amps are prized.

I only feel like I have scratched the surface. We’ll see if anyone wants to continue.