Peachtree Nova500 impressions?

I normally in the past have not wanted an integrated because if the amp died then the music would stop but buddy talked me into buying a Nova500 which I didnt even know existed.

I see lots of nova300 videos but not really any of the nova500.
I am trying to reduce the numnber of amps to 1 instead of 3 and use this nova500.

it hasnt arrived yet.

Showing 1 response by baconboy

I jumped from the Peachtree separates to the Nova 500 when they offered an upgrade deal. The separates were powering my Magnepan 1.7s well but I felt they'd be better with the extra power the 500 offered. 

Frankly the difference is huge. I've got a noticeable increase in range and separation at high volumes and plenty of nuance and detail when playing at lesser levels. 

I'm a very happy camper. That said, how are you doing with your 500?