Peachtree Audio Deepblue 2

Hi, guys,
I have no connection whatsoever to Peachtree Audio, as a matter fact, I don't currently even own any of their products. But I received an email a couple of days ago from Underwood Hi-Fi's Email List. I wanted to pass it along in case any of you are interested.
Essentially, Peachtree is currently in preproduction for a successor to their Deep Blue Bluetooth desktop system. For various reasons, they are crowdfunding the preproduction. They are offering early funders a nearly 50% discount on the final retail price. Units are supposed to ship in November. If it was anybody except Peachtree, a known entity, I would never have taken the plunge, but in this case I did. Just letting you guys know in case you're interested.

Showing 2 responses by chrshanl37

I bought two and plan to give them away as Christmas presents this year. I can't think of a better gift for a college student. I have owned Peachtree products in the past and they offer a great bang for the buck IMHO.
Hopefully that has been rectified, for the price I couldn't resist. My daughter needs something for college and the other is for my wife's office. Sorry bud :).