PC recommendations for Shanling T-100 CDP

After reading so many folks recommending upgrading the stock Power Cord that comes with the Shanling T-100, I picked up an Acoustic Zen Tsunami. After a few days of letting it settle in, I did a number of A/B comparisons and was amazed to find the sound was virtually identical. Does anyone have a particular power cord they would recommend for use with a Modified Shanling T-100 which is an obvious step up from the stock cord...? The best way to describe what I'm looking for is I'm looking to get the most "realism" I can get from the imaging on the soundstage... also, trying to stay in the "under $200" used area...
I used an Ensemble Powerflux FSF, which might just come in under your limit, if you can find one. It made a big difference in my system at the time. Here are my notes :

-better detail across the spectrum
-bottom end detail, definition, body and control. A big difference here.
-smoother highs and a reduction in high frequency digital artifacts
-harmonies are better defined and more agreeable
-voices are more natural, throat and breath sounds more recognizable
-the soundstage is fuller and more dimensional
-digital sources have noticeably more detail. Digital becomes more interesting and satisfying at lower levels.

Happy hunting!
Thanks, Tobias...
Right now, it looks like I'm looking at either an Ensemble Powerflux or a Blue Circle BC61... I've put wanteds out for both at the moment, as each seems to be an improvement over the original Shanling cord from what I can tell, so far...
keeping my eye out for other contenders, but right now, it looks like it's coming down to these two...
Let us know how things go...

I've been wondering why you noticed no difference with a Tsunami, which is not supposed to be a bad cord.I thought of the usual question about downstream resolving power, but then I reread your first post and noticed (duh) that your T100 is a modified unit.

If some of those mods were to the PS, I would hazard a guess that a power cord upgrade might make less difference than it would to a stock player (which mine was). I have noticed pretty big differences between power cords too, though, so I will be following your story with interest.
Question - Is the 'stock' power cord for the CD-T100 you are discussing look as follows:
Cord is about 1/2" thick with black nylon braiding?
Male end is Hospital Grade surrounded by shrink wrap?
Female end is also shrink wrapped with "Shanling"?

The reason for asking is this looks like it is a Much nicer cord than the usual 5/16" vinyl power cord you get standard usually. Thanks.