PC differences

A friend of mine and myself got into a discussion of PCs (since I'm looking into getting one) He is of the school that there is no difference it just carries current, I of course disagree. Can the forum members help me with this? I admit I don't know the difference in Litz, sold or multi strand and why it creates such spectular differences. Also why is cryo treating also causing such a s buzz? I have an idea that it forces a stabialization of crystals but i need more help for that. Also for a cable to present a netural non colored difference, why do the camps differ so much between silver, high purity OFC and hybrid designs ex: silver over HP Copper, or Gold over Copper? I can understand differences in materials. And lastly why does an after market cable make such a difference? (opinion only; they ALL should be UL listed, it's an insurance saftey thing) Is due to resistance, voltage transfer or what? I know it's alot but learning is always helpful (just need it in some more simplistic terms please) Thanks to everyone.

Showing 2 responses by czbbcl

I agree with audphile1 the biggest improvement I found was with my CD player which is Sony SCD-1 with a PS Audio Statement Extreme.The improvements were a lowered noise floor and a much blacker background. I have the same power cord on my amp and have not noticed much of an improvement. However, I did not experience a degredation in sound quality as audphile1 did. With my pre-amp no difference was experienced again utilizing the same cord. As a side note my Amp and Pre-amp already came with decent power cords with hospital grade ends so maybe that is why I did not experience much if any improvement. I did not experiment with differenct brands of cords so I can not comment on the impact a different brand might have. So in general your friend might be correct depending on the quality of cord your equipment came with.


I have read positive comments concerning Elrod power cords on amplifers. Never tried one so I can not comment directly. They are expensive at least more than the PS Audio Statement Extreme. I have a UPC 200 passive conditioner with questionable discernible improvement. I bought it primarily for its surge protection capabilities as I do not believe I have any serious / audible power concerns. Maybe I would hear more of a benefit from an active conditioner such as a P500 or P1000.
