PayPal Question.

Yesterday I sent a payment via PayPal and I thought that the paymenet would be charged to my credit card. The reason for this is that I had to update my credit card information since I just received a new card and I really thought that when I clicked on the send payment button, the last four digits of the new credit card came up as the billing account. I swear I saw them right before my eyes. Well my bank account was charged for the payment. I called PayPal today and they advised that since this is a customer initiated transaction, I must have made the error (the system cannot make a mistake). I tried to fake a payment today and up comes the credit card number by default with the same last four digits. PayPal tells me that they do not allow multiple transactions for large dollar amounts (mine was $1,000) to the bank account in a row so that is why it is defaulting to the credit card now. I tried faking a $100 payment and a $1000 payment and the credit card account comes up as the default. I was also using an address that was not listed as a PayPal account so I never got past that screen, but it seemed far enough to see the account number to be charged come up. So, how do I tell if I really used the bank account versus the credit card account number? Since I just added the new credit card account number, could the card not have been verified in time to make the transaction and thereby default to the bank account automatically?

All comments appreciated. I had a 12 month, 0% interest, on the credit card option.



Showing 3 responses by bigkidz

I was told the same thing by PayPal and yes there is an option for source of funds but when I just tried to make a payment to test this, here is what the screen says:

"Source of Funds

Credit Card:
$1,000.00 from Visa XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9805"

So how would I know that this is not the account that is going to be charged?


and while it offers the option to change the source of funds, my credit card is marked as the default, just like the night before.
To add to my post, the funds were sent as an instant transfer and as I am now trying to dupilcate this transfer right now with PayPal on the phone and have clicked on source of funds, the instant transfer option is not available to me. They are telling me that that is not an option now because there is the large amount pending from the other day. The have advised me that the payment hit there risk model and defaulted to my bank account. I was supposed to check the funding option to verufy this, but then why would the previous screen say source of funds is my Visa account.

Well this sucks!!! I have to pay my Visa bill with a balance transfer to my MasterCard account to get the 0%, for 12 months interest offer.

Thanks for all your replies.
I had no trouble getting a live person but they were unwilling to do anything but tell me that I must verify the payment option first and that the system does not make mistakes. Well it did for me.