Pathos Logos

I have a Pathos Logos integrated amp. It was working fine except last time the volume control has gone bizerk. As soon it comes on and the volume knob is increased to its first level the output goes crazy high. Tried it few time and it was doing the same. The unit did not have any problem prior to this. Talking to a service person in San Jose, appears to be EMI and or grounding issue. I cannot understand how one can have a grounding or EMI issue if no change to the system connection was made. Any comments will be appreciated, thanks.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xyaz

Hate to tell you that has not been resolved. Was in contact with Upscale Audio and they say that they can fix it. I took it over to UPSand the one way cost was about $200 so adding two ways around $400 plus fix, I guessed it may take &300-400 to fix, could not see spending that much so it is still sitting here. Replaced it with another system. Were you able to get your unit fixed? YAZ

Hi Yaz and 1graber2,

I also encountered the same issue with my pathos preamp. Mind sharing what was root cause and may i know how to solve it? Thanks in advance.


I’ve had a few severe volume knob issues over the years from shipping and regular use. 

Whether from shipping or regular use, the system that holds the knob in place from the INSIDE of the amp untightens, gets loose, gets knocked around over time. 

I was was able to fix 2 of these issues by taking off the amp cover, inspecting it, and resuming the system inside the amp to hold the knob properly.

The other time, I could not fix it it, and had it serviced by a local audio repair shop (it didn’t require that I send back to the amps to the original manufacturer). 

If your Pathos is a v1, then it is a good 10 years old, and susceptible to volume knob issues/disconnection. If you bought this used, then a pair of hand may have already been playing inside the amp, and who knows WTF they did to it. 

But it this may just be wear and tear on an old amp, and to some degree, is to be expected. 
Thanks, in contact with Pathos to resolve the issue. Also looking for a service shop.
NO thats BS!EMI would NOT cause intermittent volume increase & a ground problem would likely be indicated with a buzzing or humming sound...
First thing I would do is contact Pathos for intel & then try a good soaking with contact cleaner...