Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??


I have Secret Story, We Live Here and Imaginary Day.

I know his styles vary from album to album, but I'm looking for some stuff that sounds great cranked-up or low-level, beautiful, involving and long-term (asking a lot)

The 30-60 second samples give a fraction of say, what a 14 minute song has, so it's kinda difficult to get a handle on the changing improvs.

I did like what I "managed" to hear from Pat Metheny Group with Mays, Egan and Gottlieb "San Lorenzo"
Very surprised that no one's mentioned his exceptional work on Michael Brecker's last recording, 'Pilgramage'. It's the best work I've heard from Metheny in quite some time!
Rx8Man: If you followed the early postings on this thread you will note a common denominator: the early stuff if the best. A few recent albums such as Missouri Sky and One quiet moment are pleasant surprises, but for me the early recordings (New Chautagua, 80/81) are what really stand out.
ECM released all their PM stuff in Japan on gold and regular CDs. Both series were limited edition in mini-lp sleeves. More recently, a few PM CDs were released in the "Jazz the Best" series at lower price than the ECM. Again, a few were gold and others were regular CDs. The ECM series go for more in the secondary market.
I personally like the Metheny/Mehldau CDs, but I prefer the quartet pieces over the guitar and piano pieces. I also like most of the others previously mentioned as well as "The Way Up". The only thing I really dislike is the guitar synth. For me, a little goes a long way.
BTW: You should enjoy the "White Album", it's a must have.
I ordered a Japanese import limited edition of the "White Album" with Mays, Egan and Gottlieb, should be a nice recording.

So much to choose from, are the later Metheny/Mehldau CDs worth any mention ?
Pat Metheny Group (self-titled), Travels, Offramp & beyond the missouri w/haden are my favs. A friend took me to see him near Ft Liquordale in the late 70's & that was it
My FIRST Metheny album was this:

My album cover is actually yellow with black lettering (no images). Does anyone else have this? Just a promo or perhaps a treasure?
I can't believe no one has mentioned my fave. While not tecnically a Metheny disc he does perform the entire second half of the Steve Reich album Different Trains/Electric Counterpoint. The Kronos Quartet performs Trains but the star of this album is Metheny's smooth as butter minimal guitar loops that comprise Electric Counterpoint. The band The Orb even sampled a chunk for their song Little Fluffy Clouds. This is not like any of Metheney's other work and I wouldn't call it jazz in the slightest but it is excellent and VERY soothing. I listen to this piece way more than anything else by him.
Yes, "Shadows and Light." Shadows and Fog was a Woody Allen movie. Not very good either.

And, I believe the Passaggio per il Paradiso Love Theme is on the Beyond the Missouri Sky album. Clearly the best track too.
Another off-the-beaten-path soundtrack he did was for an Italian film called Passaggio per il Paradiso. It is actually really wonderful. He's not gonna fool anyone into believing he's a world class drummer or synth player but some of those melodies are just beautiful. He also played in Joni Mitchell's touring band in 1979-80 time frame and is featured quite prominently on her excellent live album "Shadows and Light" along with the afoementioned Jaco Pastorius.
Two more comments, off the beaten path a bit; There's a cool album where he (and Jaco Pastorious, Peter Erskine, Michael Brecker) was a sideman: Shadows & Fog.

Also, you'll notice nobody mentioned his soundtrack: The Falcon and the Snowman. That's because it sucks.

If there's one thing I wish we'd have is, some really good recordings of his. Especially the early stuff. It really sounds bad (compressed, no details, etc.) Only "One Quiet Night" and "Beyond the Missouri Sky" sound exceptional.

Also, nobody has mentioned "Song X" with Ornette Coleman.

I think is Geffen period sound like "Weather Channel" music.
Check out "Images of Metheny" by Jason Vieux. Not by the man himself, but a phenomenal guitarist playing 13 of Metheny's top compositions. Good listening, Dave
Thankyou all, lots of Metheny fans !!

I noticed *Import Gold CDs* on for about $20-$25, anyone have these ?
Metheny has covered a lot of ground and a lot of styles, as you would expect from someone with such a long history and a well respected talent. I'll try to sum up the styles and best-of's within each period:

Primarily acoustic & "mood" jazz
- One Quiet Night
- Watercolors
- New Chautauqua
- Bright Size Life

Metheny Group (early &/or more acoustic)
- Pat Metheny Group
- Quartet

Metheny Group (more electric)
- The Way Up
- Offramp
- American Garage
- Imaginary Day
- We Live Here
- Letter From Home
- Speaking of Now
- Still Lift (Talking)

Metheny Solo & softer pairings
- Secret Story
- Reunion
- Beyond the Missouri Sky
- As Falls Whichita
- Jim Hall & ...

Metheny solo & more frenetic pairings
- I Can See Your House From Here
- 80/81
- Zero Tolerance for Silence

2 not mentioned so far, "Letter from Home" and "The Road to You" (live). Both are "signature" Metheny recordings.

I first saw Pat and company at the McCarter (sp?) Theater in Princeton NJ when "As Falls Witchita..." came out. It was a magical show. (Check out solo stuff by Lyle Mays, too.)
"American Garage" and "Travels" are excellent. Travels has a long jam "Are you going with me?" that's always been one of my favorite songs (ie by anyone). The energy of the audience reaction really adds to the performance. This one needs to be cranked!

"The Way Up" came out in 2005 and I like it a lot (probably better than American Garage). It's a little more progressive than his other work. One review I read by a jazz purist said it's a "Prog-Rock" release and he didn't like it for that reason. It's hardly prog rock, but it is unique for Metheny.

"One Quiet Night" is an absolute must have. You MUST have it. It's solo acoustic, recorded on a baritone guitar. It's an amazing piece by anyone. I'm surprised noone mentioned it above.

You may also look into his work with Gary Burton. Gary was his mentor - discovered him so to speak. I have "Ring" by the Gary Burton Quintet, and while it's not the distinctive Pat Metheny sound, it features his un-mistakable guitar work. And he was only 17 years old when it was recorded!
I was close friends with a guy who was working in a pressing factory in Phoenix,1978. Pat Metheny's first was being pressed in that factory. He just handed me a copy and said "check it out". Today, still it is my all time favorite. Title is Pat Metheny Group, Lyle Mays, Mark Egan, Don Gottlieb. All the others are great, the first is (I believe)out of this world. In fact, I think I'll put it on now.
I have been a Pat Metheny fan since 1980, the year I first saw him live (RIT Rochester NY).
My favorites over the decades:
1. New Chautauqua (hey I used to live in Chautauqua county NY)
2. As Falls Wichita
3. Offramp
4. Still Life Talking
5. 80/81 (this is not live.. the live album is "travels" and it is 80/81 not 80/84, for the year it was recorded)
6. Secret story
Certainly a lot to like from Metheny/Mays. In addition to those already mentioned, try:
Letter from Home
The First Circle
Still Life(talking)
The Way Up
You will like the one with "San Lorenzo," which may have been the first release. For something really interesting, try Bob Curnow's LA Big Band doing some amazing transcriptions of some of the M/M pieces. You might also like the new release Metheny did with pianist Brad Mehldau--very enjoyable. I second the suggestion to check out the Lyle Mays solo work. Enjoy the music!
Rx8man - 'The Pat Metheny Group' (aka White Album) is one of the best pieces of music that you will spend your money on - EVER. 'Travels' would be my next pick. Also check around for used copies of "Pat Metheny Works" releases put out by ECM. They contain great samplings of his earlier work if you want a taste of his direction from album to album.
I'm one HUGE metheny fan - have pretty much everything he's recorded, seen him live many times, met him, etc. I would preview all these on itunes and read the user reviews too. On itunes radio you'll find the official Pat Metheny radio station - just let that stream for 5 or 6 hours - you'll hear some amazing stuff.

The "group" (PMG) has two eras - the ECM period and the Geffen period. I won't even get into the "non-group" albums yet...

ECM: the first and last albums from ECM are my faves;
Definitely get the "group" album/"white" album you mentioned above - I think every song is wonderful - very melodic and lyrical. He opened every live show with "Phase Dance" for almost 30 years - up until recently. But unfortunately will sound hissy on most high end systems - production is not very polished, but maybe his most accessible and melodic album.

First Circle - his last album on ECM is very important - he started stepping up the production value and going "orchestral" in compositonal scope. Has a few songs you might not like - but the title track still gets a standing ovation every time he plays it live. Its like a symphonic masterpiece.

Travels (live) and Offramp would be my next favorites on ECM - the best song from that era is "Are you going with me?" which appears on both of these two albums. Incredibly romantic and emotional song.

Then on Geffen he started with Still Life Talking which happens to be my favorite on Geffen - with the hit ballad Last Train Home and Minauno and Third Wind - all 3 have been part of his live show not too long ago. But you seem to be a bigger fan of the Geffen stuff that I am so maybe our tastes are a little different but I'm old school.

The PMG is not touring of late but do whatever you can to go see him live. How many guys can play 300 shows a year 3 hours each for the last 30 years... and after each show I could name 10 or 20 more songs that I wish he'd done. I don't think you will see musicianship like this in any other live show.
Check out my recents posts here re: PMG - on his stuff with Michael Brecker, Charlie Haden etc also.

Enough of my ranting - but feel free to ask me anything metheny related anytime.
I prefer the ECM era: Bright Size Life, Watercolors, White Album (favorite), New Chautauqua (solo guitar), As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls, 80/81 (Live)
. This is essentially the original Metheny group and I think will stand the test of time. Sonics are very good. ECM sonics tend to be a little laid back. Check out some of the Lyle Mays solo stuff.
As with all muisc best guide is ran a jazz section for a shop for 6 years and used the book All Music Guide To Jazz a reference to keep a few thousand pieces stocked (I like Metheny enough saw him in Mas and Jerusalem while living in Israael).What was early LP everybody liked Full Circle?).Anyway book put out by Miller Freeman Pres is better tyhan Penguin,rough Guide etc etc.Has nea Muisc Maps whicb aloow you to look up jazz idioms or instruments from 1916 with Original DSixie Jazz band through Swing,Bebop,Hardbop,Postbop,Fusion,and contempoaray era'.Has nice 4 p[age jaz history synopsis,a list of famous clubs/venues,etc etc as well as one to five star rating of thousands of jazz artists.Is more etailed and easie to use than online but that is what I use for reference for all types of muisc from Mariachi to Miles and everything else.Like Penguin for Classical and Rough guide for world muisc.But the AMG guide is the ebst gift you can give yourself or any jazz fan.
Chazzbo (the jazzbo)