Passive Preamps w/ Transformer Volume Control

Anyone have first-hand experience with any of these?

I'm looking at passive TVC's from Music First Audio, Sonic Euphoria, etc. Any others out there I should be aware of?

Will be hooking up to Threshold SA/4e or SA/3.9e. Currently, they are both set up directly to CD players via variable out.

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Showing 1 response by ozzy62

Passive linestages can be very good if the rest of your system is up to the task. And a well designed TVC is the best of this breed. First, you must determine your amp input sensitivity and voltage gain, speaker sensitivity, source output impedence and voltage. If all these are "passive friendly", you are good to go.

What you will hear with a TVC over a resistor based passive is a very slight bloom in the midrange not unlike tubes. But you give up no ground in transparency or detail. The bass is also more solid and defined like that of an active linestage.

I lived with and loved a TVC for several years. Only recently have I gone back to an active preamp due to an amp upgrade that neccessitated it.
