Passive Preamp Recommendations?

I'm looking for a passive preamp to experiment with.

I currently have a McIntosh C2200 which I love but heard a Placette passive at RMAF a few years ago paired with a
Mc 252 power amp which I have and the sound was mesmerizing.

I'd like something used but used Placettes are hard to find.
I'm considering a local design - Fletcher-Harris Dimuendo -for $600. which is reasonable but would like suggestions on other possibilities.
Ag insider logo xs@2xjgiacalo

Showing 1 response by drubin

I've tried many passives over the years, including Bent TVC and autoformer, Lightspeed, and both passive and active Placette. Then I tried the Music First Baby Reference. It's head and shoulders above the rest, at least in my system and one other I tried it in. The Placette Active (my first passive, wish I'd hung on to it) was also very good. Actually, all of them were very good, but not at the same level. The Lightspeed is quite a bargain. The passives from Tortuga look promising.

I use short interconnects only (1.5M at most).

I have tried a number of active pre-amps and do "get" the argument for them, yet I love the transparency of passives. Actives I've tried from Ayre, Rowland and Klyne have all been major disappointments. I think you must have to spend a lot more, and I haven't done that. A Gamut preamp I had when I had a Gamut power amp was superb. The First Sound I had many years ago was quite wonderful, but didn't offer remote. Your mileage may vary.