Passive bi-amped Classe Amp5 vs 2300

Hi all,

Would a passive bi-amped Classe Sigma Amp5 be comparable in sound quality and power, to a Ca-2300 (or Ct-2300 for that matter) for stereo purposes?

My speakers are B&W Nautilus 802 r/l and Htm1 for the center and some Polk Audios for the surrounds. I already own an Amp2 and a CAV-180 that are both nice; but I thought the 500W 802s could use an amp upgrade. My pre/pro is a SSP-300 and I am happy with it.

Another -a little more expensive- option would be a Ca (or Ct) 5300.

All options are second hand apart from the Amp5.

I will appreciate any input, as I don't have the option of demoing anything!
That's great feedback Ron17 and psnyder149, thanks a lot! Actually even my 15 year old CAV-180 (180Wpc) sounds better in some ways than the Amp2 -which is class D; although both are good. I heard more details with the Amp2, but then again it's bi-wired and a newer unit, so maybe that was it. I will try to get hold of a 2300 (CA or CT).

By the way, do you think the multichannel models (CA-5300 or CT-5300) are weaker for stereo? The only difference I can see from the outside is the bi-wireability of the former ones. They could be bi-amped too.
I would make my decision based on listening preferences.  It sounds like your system is a stereo/HT set-up (like mine).  If you listen 75% to 2 channel music and 25% HT I would opt for a CA or CT-2300 for the front L&R speakers and use the Amp5 for center and surrounds.  If you are more 50/50 stereo/HT I would go for a CA or CT-5300.  The 2300 will sound a little better for 2 channel stereo music and offer the ability to bi-wire but the  5300 is a really good amp for both (if space is an issue).  There is a CA-5300 and a CT-2300 on Agon right now for sell.
Yes I am watching them; unfortunately there aren't many such units around, but that's a good sign I guess!

Overall I watch movies too, but music is much more important to me, so I think I will go for the 2300. Thanks a lot for the advice, I do appreciate!