Pass XP-32 vs. Luxman C-900u?

Thoughts on the above preamps?

Showing 2 responses by yyzsantabarbara

@joeinid I have heard the c900u and was seriously considering it. I decided to go another way and got the Benchmark HPA4 preamp to "eliminate" the preamp from my system. It is so quiet that it really is like having no preamp. You may want to consider that one on a home trial.

Yesterday, I bought a second preamp that I think is similar sounding and maybe better than the c900u. It is the CODA 07x preamp. I will be using both preamps. The CODA is cheaper than the c900u.

The Luxman m900u though is one that I would still like to get to use with the 2 preamps I will have.
@joeinid if you are using a DAC direct to amp the LA4 is something to try out. That volume control can justify the cost and may make your DAC sound even better. For example, I think the Benchmark DAC3B + HPA4 is better sounding to me over the Benchmark DAC3 HGC, even though Benchmark says they sound the same. This is with the HGC driving a amp. I owned both DACs.