Pass x260.8 v. Parasound JC1+?

Greets all,  Wondering what opinions are re the above monoblocks.  I have a Cary SLP-05 pre-amp, KEF Blades (original), Esoteric K-03X CD player. Currently running a Pass Labs X350.5 and things sound real nice.  But looking for some improvement. Thoughts, anyone?  Thanks!


Showing 1 response by jaytor

I heard the KEF blades with JC1+ amps at the Pacific Audio Fest last summer. I thought they sounded nice, but I don't think they lived up to the price point. But these were "show" conditions. 

I've owned the JC5 and the XA60.8, and the Pass amps were clearly superior in my system (warmer and more engaging sound, deeper and wider sound stage), but the Pass amps are considerably more expensive. The sound stage improvements could have easily been because the Pass amps are monoblocks while the JC5 isn't.