Pass M2 so good, $80K Pass mono that much better?

Not long ago, I bought, and then decided to keep, a Pass First Watt M2 amp. The M2 is so incredibly good, I can't wrap my mind around how good can their latest 80K mono-blocs sound?

I can't make sense of it, and I'm not in any way criticizing Pass Labs, or anyone that buys equipment priced at this level. I can't imagine an amp sounding that much better, regardless of cost. But then, I don't get out much.

Nelson really did set the bar pretty high with the M2, at least in my situation. Opinions are wecome.
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Showing 1 response by bojack

Cannot agree more about the M2. I recently purchased one to mate with my Spendor SP 1/2s and Quicksilver pre and am gobsmacked at how utterly natural this amp conveys music. IMO, it is a hidden gem, and I also cannot imagine how good Pass's higher-priced offerings must be. For the first time in a LONG time, I have zero urge to tinker with my setup. Aaah, thank you Mr. Pass. M2 review on AG pending, btw.