Pass Labs XA30.5 + XP-10 with a sub

Looking for any comments regarding this 2.1 system. It's not complete yet but the final piece XP-10 is coming tomorrow.

I plan to use left/right front RCA of XP-10 to connect to a sub that goes down to 20Hz while balanced outs will be connected with XA30.5. Anyone uses sub or subs with XP-10? I'm excited about this but at the same time worried. I know how much a lousy sub integration can be frustrating.

Focal Electra 1008 Be Speakers
Pass Labs XA30.5 class A amp
Pass Labs XP-10 pre
Electrocompaniet ECD-1 24-bit upsampling DAC

Any comments on what I'll be experiencing? I'm not a very experienced listener but a normal joe who loves his music.
Sub integration can be straightforward or messy. What sub are you using? For straightforward set up, i like the Velodyne DD-series. There is is an auto-setup mode...which sends out bass waves and automatically adjusts its own internal EQ to get to as flat a response wave as possible. (You can hook it up to a screen or tv to watch the response wave).

Then you can adjust by ear to your taste. Does not take long to do this...but most often, you may find that you are 'tweaking' the settings from time to time as you listen to more albums and finetune the blend over the next couple of months.
I have a Paradigm Studio Sub12 and PBK software from Paradigm that does the room correction. So I guess it's similar to Velodyne DD. :)
I'm familiar with your amp and your speakers, and with the issues of sub setup.

I currently own a Pass XA30.5, and I previously owned a pair of Focal 1007be's. I crossed over the 1007be's at 80Hz into a JL Fathom 113. The system was EQ'd with Room EQ Wizard and Meridian Room Correction. The results were excellent.

IME, the two simplest and most effective methods for subwoofer setup that require no equipment other than a SPL meter are...

METHOD 1: Optimizing frequency response. Place the sub at the listening position, then walk around the room and listen for the location where the bass is the most *consistent* across low frequencies. You can do this by ear with music, or you can use a SPL meter and low frequency test tones. Once you find the location in the room that has the smoothest frequency response, place the sub in that location. Now the bass response at the listening position should be in pretty good shape.

METHOD 2: Optimizing transient response. IMO, good transient response requires time aligning the sub with the mains. A procedure that can help with time alignment...

1. Flip the polarity of either the sub or the mains (but not both).
2. Play a test tone at the crossover frequency.
3. Use an SPL meter to measure the output level.
4. Adjust the sub position (or digital delay, if you have that capability) until you MINIMIZE the SPL at the listening position.
5. When the sub is in place, flip the polarity back so that the sub and the mains are the same polarity.

In steps 1-4, you are essentially maximizing the *destructive* interference between the sub and the mains. In step 5, you are restoring the sub to the correct polarity, which now maximizes the *constructive* interfere between the sub and the mains. That will help with both frequency response and transient response.

IME, the first method is the best place to start. When the sub is roughly in position, use the second method to fine tune.

Fair warning, good sub setup requires you to be systematic and patient. But the results are well worth it.

Thanks for the great info, Bryon. I just always rely on PBK to correct the sub frequency response. The software PBK that came with the sub also has a tool to find an optimum spot for the sub. The tool sends out a sub test tone continuously while software on PC is plotting a freq response curve for you. You can then move the sub around to find a spot with good freq response.

Anyway, I guess it's about time I try out the Method 1 you explained very well.