Pass Labs X1 or Krell Phantom II

Hello Guys,

I'm waiting for a Krell Evo 402e bought on the web classified from Spain .. it's on the way.
Now I own a Pass Labs X1 preamp and since I have reed Cast cables work very well between Krell units I found a Krell Phantom II preamp with 3 meter Nordost cast cable on another web classified... unfortunately black and not silver like the 402e.
Btw .. what do you think about a change .. does someone thinks it should be an upgrade? .. a step ahead? .. or the extra money wont' be a valid deal? 

Thanks in advance for your opinions and support

Ps: I searched and than bought the Krell Evo 402e to drive my loved Thiel CS 2.4


Showing 2 responses by sfstereo


I used to have pass X1 preamp many years ago. It’s a very good unit, but I find it a bit on the warm/dark and lack a bit of detail.  It was used with Krell amps as well.  I am currently using krell 403E with krell evolution 707 processor/preamp. I think the Phantom preamp may share similar sound characteristic as the 707.  I used Audioquest Sky balance interconnect then switched to cast.  I find the cast has better details and dynamic.  
So I would recommend the 402E with Phantom preamp using cast cables.  I think this combination will get the most out of the krell units.

I use an Ayre dac with xlr into evolution 707 >> krell 403E.  It sounds pretty good to my ears.  I have not tried a krell source device with cast output.