Pass Labs Power Cord

I'm looking for Power Cord recomendation for my pass labs X350. Any help is highly appreciated.

Thank you

Tvad, thanks.
In my system the results were similar. On CDP and preamp, aftermarket power cords are more beneficial in my system. But I still do want to try that ESP Essence Reference.
I also spend a lot of money on power cords, because it feels weird not having them on my expensive equipment. But I'm not sure I can really tell a difference. It is interesting to me that three different designers whose equipment I hold in very high regard think the whole concept is suspect, at least with their equipment. In fact on one of these pieces I had to have "custom" work done to remove the captive cord. This skepticism does not seem to apply to ICs and Speaker Cables with their various and obvious filtering effects.
Any recomendation without braking the bank? I see a lot of comment so far, but no direct recomendation?
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Who were you refering to when you used the word "quibbling"? as far as I know, I never set a price point for pc. I just wanted to get an idea from others audiogon members.That's all. by the way, thank you for your comments.