Pass Lab XA30.5 with Totems

Would this amp work with the Mani-2's, Forest or even Winds? In reading other posts on the Totems, they seem to want power but I have been deceved before about needing power. I have an old set of Martin Logan's Arius i speakers that "supposily" need alot of power but the Pass really make them sing without a lot of effort. Of course I am not into LOUD music either. Thanks..

Showing 2 responses by audiofeil

Every system should be built around speakers, not an amplifier or source(s).

Starting with an amp is like buying a set of tires then finding a car to fit them.
>>10-14-09: Steveaudio
Nothing wrong with matching speakers to an amp that you really like<<

Nothing except the limitation you've placed on speaker choice.

Speakers have a much larger impact on a system's sound than any other component so it makes no sense to build around an amp.
