Pass INT-25 better than Wilsenton R8?

I have recently purchased a Pass Labs INT-25. It replaced a Wilsenton R8 with NOS tubes (EL-34). I feel that the sound im getting from the Pass is not 5000.00 better. Has anyone purchased a INT-25 and not been blown away from the sound? I do think  that the 25 has a wider soundstage.


Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

Yes, make sure you have at least two or three hundred hours on it before deciding.


Also, yes, tube and solid state will have different character. Over the last 50 years I have slowly moved to all tube equipment. If you are not thrilled by the time your unit is broken in I would look at a Audion Research Vsi75. Spectacular sounding unit… detailed but beautiful midrange bloom and bass. 

I have owned high end Pass for nearly 40 years… including a preamp. while I love his excellent equipment I found the preamps a bit too sterile.