Pass Aleph P Feeding two amplifiers?

Can Pass Aleph P preamplifier be connected simultaneously to two power amplifiers, using the balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (RCA) pre-out connections?

The manual is not clear, but I got the impression these two connections were alternative.

Showing 1 response by jameswei

I would think there should be no problem.

I used an Aleph P to drive a pair of Bryston 7B STs via the balanced outputs while connecting the single ended outputs to an equalizer which was fed into the single ended inputs on the Brystons. (This let me switch the equalizer in and out using the source switches on the back of the monoblocks.) Accordingly, the Aleph P output saw the combined impedance of the inputs of the power amps and the equalizer. To me, there was no difference in sound between this set up versus having only the balanced connection.

While I agree with the formula for impedance that you posted, I would point out that the balanced connection will produce a slightly louder volume (by about 6 db?), since a balanced connection is inherently louder than single ended. This is worth noting if you are thinking about running four amp/speaker combinations simultaneously off the Aleph P. Of course, the definitive answer will come from Pass. Good luck.