I drove mine with a few different amps, the Luxman M800 was probably the most solid with them. That was 60/120. The 590 was okay the 550AXII for low levels. You need to hear a few amps and align with your preferences and circumstances. I’ve had a few Ayre amps, dealer friend demos but liked the Luxman better.
One great sounding combination I heard them with was the Audio Research Ref 110 with Ref 3 preamp.
As for lighter load, I would guess that the impedance curve on these isn’t horrible, but agree with Ozzy you wouldn’t call them high efficiency. I owned the Otello’s, much easier to drive with 93db eff I think. I’d say they Otello's are on the lower side of higher efficiency at best. Drove those great with 30 wpc tubes.