@yoyoyaya I can understand conventional electronics designed in the regular world of engineering, i.e. the non audio electronics because the "sonic attributes" of circuits is never taught in engineering at any level (masters, phd whatever), never presented in any coursework or even remotely considered in the non-audio world.
But, it is a very real thing.
It is a unique form of empirical information that is acquired by audio companies and held close (in-house secrets). Some sound master guy has to sit and listen forever to every li'l change and painstakingly derive such information.
I claim full ignorance to all of it...
So, If you know something, enlighten me, i'm all ears. How is Nelson Pass playing on a different league than Rotel or Yamaha or all these other guys?
If a design space has say 20 possible permutations, a company with more resources may be able to explore more of them..A smaller company may be able to explore a few of them, etc.
What are these "leagues" based on?
@Deep33. You are clearly a savant when it comes to electronics. But maybe you are unfamiliar with the old saying "sacasm will get you nowhere". Best regards, Y