Parks Audio Puffin

Has anyone tried this preamp it looks like a wonderful product if what the add says is true.
What have you compared it to .

Showing 3 responses by tyray

Hi good folks,

I would like to hear a review from someone who already owns a Parks Audio Budgie Tube Phono preamplifier and has tube rolled (2) NOS Telefunken E88CC/6922 vacuum tubes or similar vs the new Parks Audio Puffin.   

Not to long after purchasing my Parks Audio Budgie Tube Phono preamplifier and after seeing Kevin Deal of Upscale Audio NOS Telefunken E88CC/6922 youtube video I bought (2) Platinum Grade, Cryoed, matched pair of NOS Telefunken E88CC/6922 vacuum tubes.

The tubes cost more than the Budgie but the SOUND that came out of that little box after the tubes were finally run/burned in was amazing to say the least.

I see where the Parks Audio Puffin has a 'tube' sounding feature and if anyone can post a review comparing the Puffin 'tube' sound verses a Budgie setup with (2) NOS Telefunken E88CC/6922 vacuum tubes or similar I and whole lot of others would really enjoy to read that review here.

So Shannon if you're reading this I have no problem with you sending me a Puffin to run through its paces and compare to the Budgie with the best tubes rolled in.☺
Thanks johnto for starting this discussion and thanks jimofmaine and mschu for taking the time to responding to this thread. I may not have sounded like a fan of the Puffin, but I really am. And if I would not have the Budgie, I would have purchased the Puffin in a heartbeat.

I think the Puffin is going to do just what the Budgie did and them some. The Budgie at its price point was called the ’giant killer’. And one thing I know is that ’audiophiles’ love a clean transparent sound and I believe schu is correct as he has one heck of a rig to test the Puffin and put it through its paces.

Right now not many have posted to this thread but with folks like you guys here to give us all a heads up, I’m sure this will be one long thread that will last a long time. In fact I believe the Puffin will have many a buyer who can afford a much more higher priced component but will end up buying the Puffin for its quality of sound reproduction alone. I think this little thing called the Puffin is going to scare the bageebers out of the competition.

@rauliruegas, I know this is off topic but Raul I have learned soooo much from you about styli and cartridges. Thank you!

And I have to disagree with you a little bit as this being a analog forum only. There many subwoofers, DACs, CD players and other items on this forum that use DSP...