Parasound vs Coda


I've been doing a lot of research into moving up from my current amplifier (Parasound JC5) and have scoured comparisons of Parasound to Pass Labs and others that I've been considering. Speakers are Focal Kanta 3s, Pass XP22, Lumin U1, Denafrips Terminator Plus. The setup sounds great as is but would be interested in an amp that offers a bit more refinement in the midrange and treble. Coda from all my research could fit that goal.


One comparison I haven't found has been users who've heard Parasound and Coda amps (I'm considering the Coda 16 or possibly 8) and would love to hear about what others have heard as far as preference, tonality differences, etc. Thank you in advance!


Showing 13 responses by yyzsantabarbara

I had a Parasound A23 and A21+. The A21+ was rather good, though a little too warm for me and not as detailed. I got a KRELL Duo 175XD to replace it and it was much better for my tastes. Ultra smooth and more detailed, slightly less warm.

At that time, I also had a CODA #8 v1. It was not as detailed or smooth sounding as the KRELL. The smoothness is not usually something I look for but on the KRELL it was a nice sound. The CODA seemed better in every way for my taste’s vs the A21+. I liked the KRELL a little bit more than the #8.

I now have the CODA #16 to replace the #8 and KRELL. Not sure if the CODA #16 is better than the KRELL. They sound different. The KRELL is smoother, and the CODA has a bit more detail and maybe if I remember correctly a bit more bass slam.

I need to buy 1 more amp since I am down to 1 amp with 2 systems. Luckily, I am broke, so I am thinking instead of buying. I am considering the CODA #8, the upcoming Sim Audio North Collection (for neutrality), Bryston 4B3, and Mitchi S5. I am not considering the KRELL Duo XD because I do not think I would like it with 1 of my 2 speakers.

No tubes for me in either of my 2-channels systems. I use a tube amp for headphones. My 2-channel preamps are uber neutral and let the amp dictate the sound. I have a Benchmark LA4 and Holo Serene preamp. I have heard the LA4 with all the amps mentioned before. I did try a Schitt Freya+ tube preamp and it was not to my taste, nor was the CODA 07x preamp which is described as tubey.

@christianb5s4 I am also considering the CODA #15.5 (an upgraded model). I have a #16.

Though I am leaning towards the CODA #8 or Bryston 4B3 for my LRS+. Not in a rush.

@christianb5s4 Not sure about home demos. I have only bought some items online from them. I have gone to the store for some audio events. I definitely recommend that you make that relatively short drive up to Covina. I think the Duo XD is really great stuff. I tend to dislike tubey, warm, and smooth sound. However, the Duo XD works for me. You never get any fatigue and keep thinking that this sounds so nice.

I should really have bought it for my Magnepan LRS+ speakers, but the size of the amp is a bit big for my office. I may change my mind since I have a friend who I visit and he lives 3 miles away. If I do not have an amp the next time I visit I will visit the shop and maybe make an impulse buy.

I love the amp with a neutral preamp (my Benchmark LA4). Most will use something warmer and maybe demoed with warmer gear. I may not have bought it if I heard it that way.


@christianb5s4 If you do buy a used #16 be aware that there is some special setup needed to be done on the amp before it is shipped. Luckily, the guy I bought my used amp from had it checked out by CODA and they informed him how to pack for shipping. You need to open the top panel and insert provided foam inserts so that certain internals do not fall. This is to be overly cautious.

I just bought the PeachTree GAN400 amp again for $1200. I will sell it again once I have decided on what amp to get later (or maybe be happy with the GAN400 and save money). I was wrong I need an amp in my office immediately.

With the Focals I think I would go with the KRELL. For my Yamaha NS5000, which has a tinge of warmth, I went with the less warm CODA #16. That is how I hear it but a KRELL dealer I am working with insists the CODA is warmer.



I think I like the LA4 and CODA #16 (or #8) combo the best. Though I only gave the Serene a short workout with the #16. The LA4 also works better with the #16 because it is so small, and I can hide away from the amp.

I have been thinking about of adding a tube preamp into the RCA inputs of my CODA #16, which has a nice switch on the front of the amp to flip between RCA and XLR inputs. So, 2 preamps hooked up at the same time are easy to manage.

I am going to check out the Trafomatic Reference Line One tube pre.


@christianb5s4 Did you get to listen to the KRELL Duo 300XD?

I have to agree with the post above regarding Parasound and CODA. Though I only had the A21+.  The A21+ is good for the price, the A23 I had was not so good, even for the price.

@sls883 I thought the article on the 11 was very interesting. I enjoyed reading a lot of Jeff Fritz's articles.

I am assuming you traded in your old amp for the #8


The CODA #16 is a lot better than the #8. More detail, more power, beautiful Class A sound. I had the #8 v1 and now have the #16.

I love the #16 but I am tempted by the SimAudio 761, which sounds a lot different. I may just wait for upgraditis from 761 owners and pick up a used 761 so I keep the #16.

@sls883 Everyone that I have spoken with about CODA and Doug have nothing but positive comments. I worked with him to resolve an issue with my now sold CODA 07x preamp. I purchased a new 07x when it came out a few years ago. He eventually rebuilt the entire assembly with new parts except the old case. I appreciated the effort he undertook, and it resolved the gremlins.

I also had an almost current version of the CSiB integrated amp and the 07x and #8. They were all very good but not that much different. The #16 is different and much better. I love the #16 with my Benchmark LA4 and Holo Audio Serene preamps. Same with the CODA #8 and these 2 preamps.

You should read the very interesting take on the CODA amps by Jeff Fritz of He no longer writes for them but a few years ago he had a series of articles about getting a reference system for a fixed price point. His comment on the CODA #11 really surprised and enlightened me.

Finally, my list must include some model of vintage amplifier. For a couple months now I’ve been using a Coda Technologies Model 11, and I’ve been so satisfied -- no, thrilled -- with its performance that I’ve found myself asking: How much better can it get? I’ve paraded expensive amplifiers through the Music Vault for many years, and now, with this 20-something-year-old amp, I’m not missing any of them? What gives? The whole experience has got me thinking about other vintage amps, perhaps with a couple grand invested for new capacitors and a thorough tune-up.

Jeff’s Getting a New Stereo System: Part Five

Jeff’s Getting a New Stereo System: Part Three

CODA 11 Power Amplifier. 100 WPC Precision Bias Class A For Sale - US Audio Mart

Just an FYI to anyone else.

Doug is building me a front panel for a cosmetic issue on my #16. After I replace my current panel with new panel, I may sell my #16. I am thinking of using my used $450 Schitt Aegir v1 20-watt Class A amp to drive a new speaker a friend is building. It only needs about 5 watts of power and it is not cheap so a sale of the #16 maybe needed.

Doug told me the super powerful #16 will not blow up the new speaker but I have concerns.