Parasound vs Coda


I've been doing a lot of research into moving up from my current amplifier (Parasound JC5) and have scoured comparisons of Parasound to Pass Labs and others that I've been considering. Speakers are Focal Kanta 3s, Pass XP22, Lumin U1, Denafrips Terminator Plus. The setup sounds great as is but would be interested in an amp that offers a bit more refinement in the midrange and treble. Coda from all my research could fit that goal.


One comparison I haven't found has been users who've heard Parasound and Coda amps (I'm considering the Coda 16 or possibly 8) and would love to hear about what others have heard as far as preference, tonality differences, etc. Thank you in advance!


Showing 5 responses by ghdprentice


+1. I love those meters and the look. About once every five years I have gone in to buy a Mac component, sat down and listened to it for thirty seconds and gave up. The sound quality is not what I am looking for… they are like muscle cars and I like performance cars… well, if I was into cars.


That is very definitely true for some folks. Definitely worth a listen. But for many their sound quality is not for us. 

OP… “granted the XP12/22/32s are universally considered improvements over the prior generation”. Yes, exactly.

I used to own one. I would describe them as a bit thin, not natural and musical. They are good technically but lack warmth and soul. Somewhere in there I think I got it.

I absolutely recommend going to a tube preamp. I have owned Pass preamps… I now own Audio Research… no contest in my mind… or Presto, Conrad Johnson, there are others as well. 




Agreed sidways without big change in character.

Looks like you have a nicely balanced system.

Might consider Pass XA amp or  a good tube amp to get the character change you are looking for.