Parasound Vs Adcom

Hey folks.

Gonna be looking to get new amplification here in the next month or so, I got that Denon 3805 and im loving it, but i want to get external amplifiers, and im definatly looking for budget gear. This is for the Surround setup in the ol livingroom, ill work on integrating a 2 channel system with it and use some bitchin amps on that, but for 5 speaker HT with 2 additional zones, im going a bit cheaper, thats 9 channels of amplification, possible more depending on the speakers i get cause i MIGHT bi-amp those. Unsure at this point.

I am looking between either Adcom and Parasound, and I'm wondering which product would be best for my tastes.

Im looking for about 150-200WPC, Multiple stereo or a couple multichan, im pretty flexable.

Has anyone done comparisons on Parasound and Adcom? I want control, Impact, speed, and resolution.
Like i said, these will be powwering a HT SETUP, and i will most likley be using on-wall speakers. Probably Boston Accoustic Bravos, maybe something else.

Once the HT setup is done i will begin looking at intgrating a 2chsys, and will give myself a much larger budget, get some good floor standers, a good pre, and some real nice amps.
For this HT setup though, i really dont want to go past 400-500 per stereo amp, And i am not THAT worried about musicallity, just Impact, Dynamics, ya know, movie junk.

Any advice between the two? Suggestions of another budget brand that would fit the bill for this?

Showing 1 response by sfar

I've owned, or bought for friends, amps and other pieces of gear from several of the 'budget' audiophile brands over the last few years and, while they're all good, my general preference for sound, build quality and ergonomics is in this order:
Individual models of each are going to sound different, though, and you won't go too far wrong with any of them.