Parasound service problems

I bought a used Parasound JC3+ phono preamplifier online from HiFi Buys, which is an official Parasound dealer, for over $ 2,200.  Within 6 months one channel quit working.  Since there is no warranty with it, I contacted Parasound service through the website email asking for the information to send it to them for repair at whatever price they charge, rather than sending it to the seller.  I thought that Parasound would be more reliable.  I have literally 20 messages with someone by the name of Phil Jackson at the service department and he still has not been able to provide me with that information.  I am really concerned with the quality of service of this company. 
In the interim I have noticed that the sound on my other Parasound device, a 10 month old $2,900 Halo Integrated Amplifier purchased new has interferences when 2 input sources are on at the same time even though only one can be selected.  I also mentioned this to the service person, but he has not even addressed it on his reply.  Is this normal?
I am certainly done with Parasound.  
yep, Erik is correct. call them. very  good service. 

if one channel is out, likely not a huge problem. I have owned several pieces of Parasound gear over the years. all of it was built very well. and never had an issue......
In my experience Parasound has outstanding service, and makes excellent gear for the price.  Give them a call.
Please call our service department directly. 415-397-7100 ask for Tony. He is the foremost expert in repairing the JC3+ with over 27 years experience with Parasound.  Tony gets in early and leaves early so call before 1PM PST. 

    Chris Thompson

    Parasound Products Inc.

    2250 McKinnon Ave.

    San Francisco, CA 94124

    415-397-7100 X115

It still begs the question:
Why didn't they answer their emails in the first place?