Parasound JC-1s Not Working

I just bought a pair of used JC-1s on Audiogon. The amps sounded fine until I was shuting down my preamp. My preamp is a tube linestage. While I was turning off the linestage, I heard some funny noise from both amps. Feeling uncomfortable about the noise, I turned the linestage back on. Surprisingly, the left channel amp did not work. The power was on but no signal.

I don't think it was the fuse. I swapped the external fuses between the two monoblocks. But it still did not work.

I wonder if this ever happens to you, JC-1s owners. Is there a switch or something inside the amp to reset? I flipped all the swithces on the back panel hoping that I could get the signal back. Still no use.

I am going to call Parasound on Monday. I know I won't have warranty since this is used. But before I call, do you folks have any suggestions? Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by rhyno

i think there are some B+ rail fuses on the output stage.

WITH POWER OFF and the amp unplugged (damn JC1s and that stupid illuminated on/off switch), take the cover off and look on the back panel for some fuses. i suspect you'll find some that are blown.
one other thought: switch channels and see if the problem persists. then call parasound if it does. if the problem switches to the other amp, its your pre.
turn on sequence comes down to 1 thing: amps on last, off first. do that, and no worries.