Parasound JC-1 - How old is too old?

A local shop has a pair of JC-1s in on trade that I am considering. They are still checking with Parasound to determine when they were produced, but I'd like to hear from JC-1 owners (current or in the past) about their experience with these amps regarding long-term reliability. If anyone has re-capped their JC-1s, how old were they, and how much did it cost? Thanks for the help. 

Showing 2 responses by georgehifi

Hot enough that you would not want to keep your hand on the heat sink.

I measured them at high bias (28c ambient) at 55c, internal was the same, no problem for those excellent Japanese Nichicon Gold caps. So don’t worry OP buy them.

Cheers George
If anyone has re-capped their JC-1s, how old were they, and how much
did it cost? Thanks for the help.
Even if you got the first ones, they’d still be good for another 10-20 years.
They used quality caps, Japanese Nichicon Gold.

I feel that age is particularly important with Class A designs. All those components have been living in heat their whole lives.....

And they’re not Class-A but 400w A/B and run cool in normal mode, they have high bias switch on the back which gives them around 25w Class-A bias still with 400w B, then they run warmer, instead of 10w A and 400w B in normal mode and cool.

BTW great amps, I heard them many times on Wilson Alexia and nothing but the top Gryphon Antileon Evo could equal them, and the Gryphon "just" surpassed them at many $k's more.

Cheers George