Parasound Hint 6 or separates?

Has anyone compared the Parasound Hint 6 Integrated with the separates upon which it is based, the P6 preamp and A23+ amp? Are there any advantages using these specific separates over the convenience of the Hint 6 integrated? The price is almost identical. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by geof3

The Hint 6 is great, but the Hegels are in a different league. Particularly the big ones, H390/H590. Yes, I’ve had both Parasound and Hegel.
I have had both, though I went with the A21 vs A23. The separates vs the int were very close with the exception of the power of the a21. Sonically they were pretty much the same with maybe a bit more air with the separates. Either way, I really believe they are hard to beat in either guise for the $$$$.