Parasound Halo A52 keeps shutting off / protection

Hi guys, I hope someone could shed some light on this before I take it in for repair. I have a Parasound Halo A52 that's been running great driving a pair of Martin Logan Theos. Recently the amp suddenly started going into protection mode / shuts off in the middle of listening. I checked everything, wires are not short, and settings are correct. I spoke to someone at Chicago Audio who told me that the caps may need to be replaced. While this is not an issue, i just want to make sure that this issue is common and I won't end up spending money and not be able to fix it.

One thing I should mention is I am using RCA terminals on the preamp side and XLR connectors on the amp side. Could that be the problem? Should I try using just a simple RCA cable to see if the problem goes away?

Thanks to all.
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Showing 1 response by bojack

The termination should not cause this. I'd contact Parasound and ask what they advise, as this may be a known issue. Good luck (the Halo amps have a gazillion million parts that can fail).