Parasound A23

I'm planning to replace my Adcom GFA 545II because it is just too bright. My system is JM Labs Daline 3.1, Jolida 5t (upgraded but without balanced jacks), Moon 100 D and Airport Express. The speaker cable are Audioquest 8 cv and Diamondback interconnects. When I listen to jazz, brass instruments are too harsh and cause listening fatigue. The Parasound seems reasonably priced (and appropriate with the rest of the system) and the Jolida might keep the system warm. I would welcome suggestions. I was considering the Marantz integrated amps. Is there a difference between the PM 8004 and the PM 15-S2? Is it worth the extra money and getting rid of the Jolida preamp? Thanks very much.
I owned the A23 a few years back. It is a nice amp and the cost is right. You can't go wrong.
I would suggest a Conrad Johnson SS amp in the MF series might be just the ticket. The MF 2100/2200/2300 are mosfet amps and probably the warmest of the series (I own the 2300A) the 2250 and 2500 use bipolar transistors and are considered a little more neutral
I own a Parasound A23. I use it for my center channel both for home theater and for listening to music in Trifield, which is a function of my Meridian G68. The amp for the R/L is a Pass XA30.5. While the A23 isn't quite as sweet as the XA30.5, it comes close in several respects. IMO, the A23 is a great little amp, especially for the price.
