Personally I'd stick with the 60's. I think they are quite a bit better. I never cared for the 8" midrange the 80 had to offer. To me, the 60 just seems to be a more refined speaker.
Paradigm Studio 60 vs. 80
I’m setting up a Paradigm Studio HT system and have been hearing/reading conflicting opinions on the Studio 60 and 80. Right now I am planning for a Studio 60 or 80 fronts, Studio center, Studio ADP side surrounds and future Studio ADP rear surrounds. My room size in 25’ x 20’ with a 9’ ceiling. Thinking of powering it using Rotel 1066/1075 pre + amp.
Question – should I go for the studio 60 or 80? Really like the 100 but its beyond my budget. Some say that the 80s are the blacksheep of the studio line plus its mid-range is different from the studio cc and ADP. I am seriously considering 80s since they only cost 300 more and are bigger speakers.
Any advice?
Question – should I go for the studio 60 or 80? Really like the 100 but its beyond my budget. Some say that the 80s are the blacksheep of the studio line plus its mid-range is different from the studio cc and ADP. I am seriously considering 80s since they only cost 300 more and are bigger speakers.
Any advice?