Paradigm Studio 20 V3 Tweeter Swap

Hey  guys, has any one tried switching out the stock S-Pal tweeter in Studio 20 V3 with an Signature G-Pal? if so, was there a discernable difference in the brightness? Speakers are tube driven with LP and (now) streaming (thanks to finally getting internet and Bluesound Node) the main listening venues.


Showing 3 responses by campberm12

That seems to be more beryllium oriented and was hoping for someone with actual S-PAL for G-PAL switch. I know it's not a huge change, but a little less bright would be good for higher volume.

Love the speakers, just a little bright at higher volume. Tube amp has no tone controls? What's a speaker you guys could suggest with similar sound but a warmer tweeter. And I'm in an area with practically zero ability to demo, so I only have past experience and interwebs reviews......

OK, If this is sill alive, I have a very modest setup and retired on limited budget. I'm definitely not in the "audiogon" league with equipment, but unfortunately have audiogon ears. I have a little starter kit with an old Technics SL-Q2 turntable that i added about 10 lbs of clay in the bottom, a Yaqin MS-23 phono amp and a Jolida JD502BRC amp with Tung-Sol KT120 power tubes. I live in an old log cabin with open space and vaulted ceilings. Floors are covered with thick rugs, log walls, and lots of big leather furniture. The Studio 20's with 2 PDR-10 subs don't sound half bad in here, but like i said the high end gets a little harsh when volume goes up. Would like to move to a used best bang for the buck 3-way floor standing speaker around $2000 or less. I know this is not anyones ideal setup, but would love the expert input on a set of floor standers to fill the space. Thanks