Paradigm Reference Studio 100v2. anybody listening?

Looking for advice. Not getting the low end that I feel the 100v2 are capable of. Where am I going wrong? Syztem has tons of clean volume, soundstage. Here is what Im working with: 
Sudiotech stand, shelves are spiked, CD player is on Nordost Pulsar Points, and a Gutwire Note Pad rests on the transport. 
Nordost Shiva power core cor CD player
CD player - Rotel RDC991AE BALANCED 
Straigtwire Crescendo balanced 
PREAMP - CLASSE CP35 balanced 
Audioquest Cheetah balanced 
AMPLIFIER - Mark Levinson no 334 balanced 
Audioquest Gibralter  single biwire 8'
Paradigm Reference studio 100v2 on spikes
The system sounds lean. Anyone have an ideas?


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