ANYONE USING STUDIO 40s,60s,80s or 100s?
I own a pair of Reference 60s (used for home theater) and recently for fun I decided to hook them up to my Sim W5, Wadia CDP all Cardas wiring, and wow! They sounded amazing. Bass was tight and well defined, mids were clean and the music just sounded so good it amazed me that I was getting the sound I was, very easy to listen to with great dynamics and good pace. For under 1500 dollars it does a nice job with 2 channel, no question, and betters stuff I have heard costing much more. If I was to give one critisism it would be they are just not as refined as some of the more traditinal 2 channel speakers available. I am sure this might be system dependent to a degree, but IMO ultimate clarity, especially in the vocals and highs in general they fall short to speakers like Dynaudios and Proacs just to name a couple examples. Nonetheless they are very musical and again for the price hard to beat and simply amazing for home theater, just my 2 cents. good listening.
100 V2 with Bryston 7B-STs. Clean power can't hurt. Drums have more punch than with previous amp. Imaging is great, appears to be more layering of the different instruments than previously. Keep your system all Canadian, we Cnadians need the business!
I am thinking of purchasing Klipsch RF-311 (complete system). I was wonder if I would be better off buying Studio/40/20 and Studio/CC. I have a 10 Velodyne I am happy with. I am using a Sony 555ES for power. I will have to buy them used. I have been checking e-bay. Any suggestion would be helpfull. Thank you Mark
I've had the Paradigm 60's and servo 15/x-30 for about three years. Mainly used for two channel for the first two years then migrated to home theater. For the price they are one of the best deals out there. Like all good speakers, or any speaker for that matter, amplification plays a big part in what the speaker conveys (assuming proper source/front end). I have built a number of amps using several topologies and power output and have discovered that they really sing with the Pass designed aleph amp at 100wpc. the 200wpc version had a whole lot more authority and slam, but a minor modicum of sweetness was lost in the uppers. The added bonus with these amps is you can roast your marshmallows while listening to music ;-)

For home theater in an average size room with average reflective surfaces/acoustics, a studio 60, cc, adp, servo 15 combo is very hard to beat, period. I know, I just spent untold thousands upgrading.
I agree that the better your upstream components are, the better the Paradigm Reference Studio/100 v.2 speakers sound!
These speakers have MAJOR POTENTIAL!Read Robert Deutsch's review in the June 2000 issue of Stereophile where he states that:"While the Sudio/100 v.2 is forgiving of less- than-pristine electronics, it benefits from being combined with a top-notch digital source, electronics, and cables."
He also states that:"...Paradigms Sudio/100 v.2 is most certainly a serious high-end contender, and a formidable one for just about any speaker in its price range and even well above".
Every time I upgrade components or borrow high-end components for my system, the Paradigms sound better and better.They are never embarrased by them or become the "weak-link" in the signal chain!
I recently purchased a Pass Labs X-2.5 preamp, and borrowed a friends Pass Labs X-350 power amp and hooked it into my system.Oh my God!I could not belive how good the Paradigms sounded with this combination!They were not embarrased by this high-dollar electronics at all.Instead, they sounded OPEN,OPEN,OPEN!Smooth, neutral, dynamic, airy, transparent,holograhic 3-D imaging, exceptional bass!In a word,EVERYTHING!!
If you have these speakers, do not skimp on electronics, front-ends, or cables.If you do, you will never realize their VERY SUBSTANTIAL POTENTIAL!