Paradigm Persona: what do you think?

I listened to the bookshelf model and the floor standing next in line after the bookshelf. 
I must say they are some sweet sounding speakers. Very musical with gobs of bass in the bookshelf ones. 

The floor standing ones are sealed but I believe using a passive radiator. 
Very interested!

Showing 1 response by kennyc

Speakers preferences can be very subjective. For instance, while demoing speakers I tried very hard to love Wilson’s, KEF, Revel, etc, but while sounding great they didn’t rock my boat (getting deeply touched/lost emotionally into the music).

But Magico and YG constantly did (not 100% at all times - the entire audio chain along with the room conditions matters).
I figured that if I found a speaker I love, then it’s possible to recreate that sound as long as I do my part by surrounding it with supporting components and maybe room conditions.

Demo the speakers with your components would be ideal. But like most of us you may have to just take your chances which may lead you to swap other components, or not, until your ideal sonics is achieved.
It’s great if you find a speaker that you love, even better if you can afford it...without too much mental/financial grief.