Paradigm Persona B vs 3F vs other competitors - any experience?

Hello all, 

I am Robert, 50 and would like to ask for any experience of the forum members concerning Paradigm Persona speakers. 
Was wondering if anybody has heard both, the „3F“ and the „B“ in comparison in a room 350-400 sqft?

I had lend the 3F and to me they were simply amazing. Unfortunately my wife does not like floorstanding speakers in the living room, that is why I was thinking about getting the Persona B. Unfortunately no dealer has the Persona B for a demo.

How do they compare sonically to the 3F - non fatiguing, richness, voices, foundation, bass etc.?

Does anybody recommend stand mount speakers from other brands performing similar to the Paradigm Persona  B, especially lovely vocals, great resolution, still rich sounding and non fatigueing?

Thank you all for feedback.


Showing 9 responses by robchrou

Oh wow, I can imagine that 7F pump up the room with bass if played a little louder. And of course I understand the WAF challenge :)).

Mainly I was wondering how especially the Mids compare between the Paradigm Persona B and the larger models, because the B‘s 2 Hi/Mid-Bass Chassis are all Beryllium and are the same (!) chassis as in the larger models, but has to play deep down to 36 Hz, while e.g. at the 3F, the same driver will be cut off at 450 Hz and the woofers take over.

I think this difference of Persona B compared to larger models could possibly lead to a better, more natur timbre of voices due to no need of blending to Bass frequency, on the other hand the Persona B might suffer from less resolution, because Mid-speaker also has to play the bass frequencies.

Any thoughts / experience about this?
 Thanks 👍🏻

Thx, do you also ship to Europe/Germany?
can you tell me your quotes for 3F, B and Sub please. 
shipping extra of course.
Thanks mi4. 

How large is the room where you are listening to the B’s ? 
Would you say they sound “complete” or is the bass energy of dedicated bass chassis somehow missing (without comparison to the 9 of course)?

And last but not least how would you rate a) resolution and b) sound of voices compared to the 9?

Thanks for helping 👍🏻

Thank you mi4 for your insights. Really appreciate. Currently I habe the 3F in my room for a couple of days and was just wondering, if the B would be sufficient...
Musicbook Source is simply amazing, very transparent while being musical and dead quiet. The Class-D amp I am not sore sure yet - everything perfect, very powerful (2x 500watts) but al little uninspiring and rather dry - compared to Pass Class A. 
That is why today I ordered a pair of Pass Labs XA 60.8 and a pair of Paradigm Persona B plus the Paradigm Persona sub. 
I hope this system will sound great, while respecting my wife‘s need for a living room, that doesn‘t look too much like a tech boy‘s play room :)) She hates large speakers no matter what they look like. She said the 3F looked like plastic and design from the 90s 🙄
@benzmando the Silversmith Fidelium speaker cables „soft“ or „round“ the very high resolution of the Persona‘s a little bit? 

I was thinking about adding a quiet Tube preamp between Lindemann Musicbook Source and the Pass XA 60.8 amps to add a little richness ontop of the overall sound and to make less ideal recordings sound easier to listen to (Spotify and so on..)
@ benzman:  Thank you, that sounds very promising. I guess since Hi/Mid chassis in B and the larger F’s are the same, the revealing hi frequency part and their need for cautious cable matching is the same. Will definitely check out your cables. Interestingly the Lindemann Source also uses an AKM chipset (AK4493), the Cary DMS700 I just checked even uses the newer AK4497. About the 3F - unfortunately no chance - she can”r connect to large Hi-Fi gear standing around in the living room 😆. 
I expect connecting and matching the sub will become an interesting challenge, I will try out the sub”s ARC software to achieve better results. The B+sub combo might lead to even better results compared to 3F if properly matched. The sub is supposed to have a lot of bass energy. 
Another task will be to decide if and which tube preamp will lead to better overall sound without too harsh sound on less than ideal recordings. This is also important for me. 
Best would probably be to find a fully loaded tube-dac-preamp-dsp, that does everything right  
- rich forgiving tube sound
- quit preamp function
- no degrading volume control 
- musical and transparent dac
- up to date streamer 
- fully balanced design and connection
- room correction incl subwoofer matching

Any idea if there is such a monster 😄?