Pairing Border Patrol with Devore O/96

Hi All,

I’m looking to move from SS to tubes with a pair of Devore 0/96. I’ve seen many suggest push-pull is a good configuration for the Devores. Has anybody tried or heard the Border Patrol P20 Exd with the O/96s? If yes, what do you think?


Showing 2 responses by pcorys

I’d highly suggest auditioning a Meishu Tonmeister from Audio Note UK in your system. Google the amp and read its reviews on Stereophile, and various other reputed publications. It’s a highly respected tube amp, among others that AN UK make. 
I make this suggestion because I love the Devore sound - delicate, articulate, and organic, and I think Audio Note makes speakers with a very similar sound quality. Their principles would seem to mesh perfectly with Devore SQ. 

Did you manage to read the Jan 26th, 2023 Stereophile review of the Meishu by Ken Miccalef? That review cemented my feelings about a harmonious cohesion between the Devores and a Meishu: