
Responses from pcorys

Streamer Comparison and Suggestions
My father as a Grimm MU1 - excellent. Uncle has an Aurilac G1.1 - OK. Friend has an Aurender N20 - excellent. I decided to buy an Evo 432 - excellent. It’s a roon core and is quite a bit cheaper than the MU1 and N20, but holds its own, I believe. ... 
Pairing Border Patrol with Devore O/96
Did you manage to read the Jan 26th, 2023 Stereophile review of the Meishu by Ken Miccalef? That review cemented my feelings about a harmonious cohesion between the Devores and a Meishu: https://www.stereophile.com/content/audio-note-meishu-tonm... 
Pairing Border Patrol with Devore O/96
I’d highly suggest auditioning a Meishu Tonmeister from Audio Note UK in your system. Google the amp and read its reviews on Stereophile, and various other reputed publications. It’s a highly respected tube amp, among others that AN UK make.  I ma...