Pairing Bookshelf Speakers to my Yamaha A-S801

Hello dear Audiogononians,

I’m a long time lurker, who made a personal account to ask for some advice. I’m looking for a pair of bookshelf speakers that I can buy new or find used that would pair nicely with my integrated amplifier (Yamaha A-S801). The current speakers are a pair of B&W bookshelf speakers. I don’t recall the exact model number off the top of my head, but it doesn’t seem wholly relevant as they retail for less than half of the MSRP of the amplifier (and I happened to have gotten them for free. A story for another day.). 

The sources are as follows (wired with audioquest interconnects):

Bluesound Node

Apple TV (ARC back to the node) 

Sony Blu-Ray player (ARC back to the node for movies, and coax into the integrated for use as a CDT) (Will eventually be upgraded to the Yamaha CD-S303)

Teac TN-350-SE Turntable (with bypassed internal phono stage going into the phono preamp in the Yamaha) 

Sanyo Cassette player (soon to be upgraded to the TEAC W1200)


Any advice or conversation is greatly appreciated!





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