packing a turntable for shipping

I have a Merrill Heirloom that I might be selling and was wondering what is the absolute bulletproof way to ship? I have no original boxes. I assume I would remove the inner LP hold-down hub and outer ring, remove and package the tonearm and cartridge separately and somehow 'lock' the unit's suspension system. Any ideas or experience?

Showing 1 response by clamps200045c1

use an oversize box, all sides, bottom and top use carpet padding (several inches thick) and then insert the table in styrofoam on the sides bottom of the plinth, pack arm separately if possible, secure suspension and on top of platter place a 2" to 5" cardboard box or styrofoam if the arm is attached then pad with carpet padding. Avoid placing ANY packing material near the arm.Make sure table does not shift in the box- pray for the best