P 600 and my TV

I bought a used P600 and I just hooked up my TV (Pioneer Elite 55") and it will not turn on. Is my TV pulling more than 720 Watts? I find it hard to believe that I can't even run my TV on a $2,000+ piece of equipment.
You would be amazed how much power a TV like the Pioneer pulls when it turns on. Initial inrush current could easily shut the 600 down. Look at the Exact Power-2000 A/C Regenerator. Go to www.av123.com. 2000 watts, smaller, and much more efficient than the PS. The review on it says that it is better than the PS
i just read the description of the exactpower, and wonder how it differs from the P600--- a big ouch! on the $2500 pricetag too; a little more greenery gets you a P1200. krell advises against using any line conditioners on their amps-- the FPB-200c has it already built in. my system will ultimately consist of a high-definition display, krell hts pre-amp, runco LJRII transport, several DVD changers, an anaolgue tape deck [nakamichi dragon], and some form of video scaler/line doubler/telecine converter, and there is a krell kav-500 in there which doesn't already have the sophisticated power conditioners built in as do the bigger amps. speakers are B&W nautilus 802, htm-1, and i haven't yet set up the rears, but will probably be 805's or scm-8. i was hoping to see a $999 pricetag at the bottom of the exactpower's description-- at $2500 it's higher than a P600 with the waveform option. the information given doesn't tell enough about the product to justify its cost without at least a good side-by-side evaluation, both by specs and in operation. PS audio's conditioners take the incoming a/c apart, convert it to d/c, and then actually recreate a/c to the user's precise specifications, going so far as to allow changing frequency, voltage, and phase at the source-- no more lifting the platter off your turntable to move the belt from the small to large hub to play 45,s; you change the frequency at the P600, and the platter rotates at 45 rpm on the 33.3 hub. some components seem to like different a/c paramters, and the P600 lets you adress each outlet and tell it what to deliver. does the exact power have this capability, and does it fully reconstruct current as do the PS audio units, or is it just another fancy stabilizer that gives a nice clean 120v sine wave (or no-neg wav as the case may be)? i used to have my own custom color photo lab, and the dichroic head on the enlarger required consistency of voltage so precise that a differnce of millivolts could cause fluctuation in the brightness or color temperature of the light source, resulting in a compromised end result, hours of wasted time and very expensive supplies. this was controled by a sophisticated regulator of both current and voltage, sitting under the enlarger bench-- it ate juice like a hog, and also hummed-- not a problem in a darkroom, a nasty problem in the music/cinema room [i imagine audio a/c controllers have somehow overcome this]. the regulator monitored the light source in real time, and adjusted its output as necessary. my studio was vented in summer, and in winter the regulator was welcome relief for cold feet-- sit in chair, pop off shoes, and rest feet on top of chassis as you work-- this thing could heat my entire 8x14 lab room. the P600 is what i was just about to buy-- on occasion one shows up used for about $1500. is anybody out there aware of a website that more completely desribes the electronic layout of this exactpower animal, and better yet dissection in open lab side-by-side with the P600? it would be greaty appreciated-- thanks-- enjoy-- happy newY EARS too--:) douglas pratt
Douggieboy, The Power Plant 600 makes 720 watts of A/C power while the Exact Power makes 2000 watts. This is 66% more power than the large Power Plant 1200 that sells for $3950. Not bad for $1450.00 less money. Plus, per the PS website, the Power Plant 1200 needs a 220 volt line or it will only deliver 1000 watts. The Exact Power-2000 delivers much more current than any of the Power Plants and it does it from a smaller, much more efficient box that is much less costly to run. There is a link to a review of the Exact Power 2000 on their website at www.exactpower.com under the review section. Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity compared it to the Power Plant 600 and felt that the Exact Power was a better device. Check it out.
Hey, I'm running a Pioneer Elite Pro 97 on my PS Audio P600 powerplant just fine. Its been working every day since last May. AND, I really like the improved color and less smearing with the P600. Don't know what your problem is, since the Pro97 draws 275watts. I'm running the TV with everything except my Pass amp.