Oyaide R1 Burn In Time


We I thought I would round out my system so....

I just purchased two R1's. One for my McIntosh MC402 amp and one for my McIntosh C200 and Marantz SA-7S1. Neither of the above would be considered bright sounding.

My speakers Dynaudio Confidence 5's

Power Cords are the Lessloss with the Oyaide C079 connectors.

My system nows sounds bright, thin, lack of mid-bass or warmth. What I am hearing is it burn-in issue or what this outlet sounds like.

It sounds really thin, evening playing tube recordings from the 50's. No soul left to the system.

Thanks for you input!

Showing 3 responses by phillyb

No I have checked the wiring and it is fine. I have a polarity checker.

I recieved a reply from the person I purchased them from and they were not burned in or cryoed, he suggested about 100 hours to settle in.

Man but do these outlets sound strange at first, hopefully not for long, sounds like a cheap s.s system.

I have heard from other 079 users and they say the R1 works great with the 079's.

Never found the Dynaudio Confidnce 5 to be ruthless, honest yes, but nowhere near the current confidence or a lot of todays tipped up speakers.

I enjoyed the 5's more than the B&W 802's that I demo also.

Thanks for your input.
Thanks I did. I came home last night after leaving the system running all day, I also plugged in my vaccum that draws a huge amount of current and vaccumed for 20 mins.

I played the same disc that I played in the AM before work and it was a huge imporvement from top to bottom. I was happy to hear the imporvement so I shall now continue to let the R1 burn-in and see if the improvement continues.

Thanks to all.