Anyone else impressed with Oyaide's USB cable?

Have always liked the Oyaide product line of AC receptacle, Power Cord connectors, etc. The construction is very high quality. I decided to try their double shielded USB cable with Platinum and Rodium over Bronze. It arrived today and the fist thing I noticed is how much tighter the connection is to my music server and DAC. The sound improvement was immediate; greater ease in the music; better detail,extension, etc. This is not a break the bank product; very reasonable for the price paid at Amazon. Here's the link:


I too have the Oyaide usb cable and it sounds wonderful! After about 200 hours of break-in, playing hi-res files through my Esoteric K-01's DAC, is as good as it gets, way better than Redbook CD via its transport.
Thanks for your positive comments Jon; nice to know someone else is familiar with this choice! Great quality/value for the dollars. Other audiophiles should know about. A lot of over priced cables out there. My cable sounded great right out of the box, but did go through a painful break in but the magic has returned and the sound via this cable is superb. So much for there not being any difference in USB cables
I notice from the virtual system section, you have the Beatis Audio server in a most awesome system. Tell me more as I am thinking of pulling the trigger on it. The most important question for me is does Redbook cd sound better ripped by the Beatis server or spinning in a good transport?

My personal experience thus far is that redbook sounds better in the Esoteric K-01 player's VRDS Neo transport than ripped from my PC. Hi-res files from the PC of course sound as good as and at times better than redbook cd in the transport.
Jon, I am just getting acquainted with computer audio and the new DAC is still breaking in. So far it sounds excellent, but others have mentioned that CDs sound better when a transport is used. I used my Esoteric X-03SE as a transport into an EAR DAcute 192 DAC and it was excellent. I decided to go computer based and add a DSD DAC. As far as the Baetis, I am very impressed with the thought, design and the quality thus far. It is dead quiet; they did much to be sure the fan noise internally is not heard from listening position. I like the several USB inputs for external hard drives. The BNC output is superb as it comes off the mother board. I like db Poweramp for ripping and the JRiver software for playback; it is very powerful. The convenience is hard to beat. I'll try to add a follow up to this answer in a month or two as I play my collection through a fully broken in DAC. Call John or Dan at Baetis to discuss what they did to make the Baetis an audiophile quality server. This unit is proof you can make computer audio better.